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Fierté Multi-Academy Trust

Our Family of Schools

Wolseley Bridge nature reserve - Year 2

Last Wednesday, Year 2 had the exciting opportunity to visit Wolseley Wildlife Centre. Our day was split into two interesting discovery programmes, based on our Animals Including Humans and Living Things and their Habitats units of work in Science. When we arrived we were intoduced to our teacher, Dave and we learnt all about the different wildlife we might discover in woodlands and grasslands. We then explored these habitats during our "Discovering Minibeasts" activities. We were extremely happy to find lots of little froglets, plenty of butterflies, some grasshoppers and even some ducks wandering about!

After lunch, it was time for our "Watery Wildlife" exploration where we got the chance to learn about different animals and amphibians that call the pond their home. We found a whole array of different living things from pond skaters to little fish through our pond dipping activity. How amazing is that! We had a thoroughly fun and educational day. A massive thank you to our teachers and volunteers, as well as Dave and the Wolseley Wildlife Centre for a fantastic school trip!