Anker News - Day 9 by Eleanor Price (age 11)

So this is the 9th day of being at school during Covid-19. As some children have parents who are keyworkers (the people who are supporting the fight) we are in school! At Ankermoor, there are up to 3 teachers that do fun activities each day plus office, lunch, kitchen and cleaning staff. Today (Thursday 2nd April), we are doing forest school with Mrs. Walton and Miss Walker with a low amount of children - 6.
What is school like with not so many children?
One child answered “good” as the coronavirus isn’t able to spread, another few said it is upsetting as they can’t see friends. Another child said that it felt lonely as they don’t have usual friends with them and there will be children they’ve not really met. They also said they can’t comfort others by hugging them etc. However, they will be able to make new friends from other year groups.
Do you enjoy being at school at this time?
Many children replied “YES” because they have been set a variety of different, fun activities and can play outside. Another said that they enjoy the different teachers that they wouldn’t normally have.
How do you personally feel about the coronavirus?
Alex Price stated: Scared because people are dying!
Ethan and Rhys Price stated: Worried because we don’t want our family to get ill or die”
Isobella quoted: I feel calm and scared – calm because most are following the rules and worried because people are dying.
What is it like to know when you come to school you are putting yourself at risk?
Miss Walker said she doesn’t feel as if she is putting herself at risk as she knows everyone is following rules and she is taking precautions to keep everyone safe. Mrs. Walton said that although she is at risk she understands that her job is important and knows she has to keep going for others.
What is it like to have such a small amount of children here?
Miss Walker stated: It was nice to be able to spend time with the children who are here but weird not seeing her normal class.
Mrs. Walton stated: 'Strange’ but nice at the same time to have the children who are here but missing my normal class.
How would you personally advise people to keep educated?
Miss Walker advises the work packs that were sent out by teachers and accessing online websites such as TTRS. However, she says not to worry too much on your learning during such a hard time but get as much work done as much as possible. Personally, she advises on an average of 1-3 hours of work and at least 15 mins of reading before bedtime but mostly focus on your family staying happy and healthy. Mrs. Walton has said to access websites and home learning packs but importantly encourage outdoor learning and life skills such as: sewing, learning to tie shoe laces, changing a tyre on a car or exploring nature. These are good ways to help with your mental health.
What is it like coming into school every day?
Mr. Russell, the head teacher, said it is very strange and seems to him like he is in an empty school because he is not seeing all of the children. Not seeing them is worrying as he does not know if they are all safe. This is why we are making contact with our families to check they are staying safe! It is a worrying time!
How do you personally feel about the coronavirus?
“It is a concerning situation but as long as people are following the social distancing rules and lock down procedures then I’m a lot happier!"
Will you ever shut the school?
"NO, NEVER – we have to support our families both in and out of school. It’s why we all do what we do – we care! That’s what Ankermoor prides itself on!" #teamankermoor
What is it like to know when you come to school you are putting yourself at risk?
Mr. Russell said that for him it is concerning however he does it for the children because he loves his job and the children in his care.