Parent Feedback
We always welcome feedback from our parents. Thank you for your warm words after all of our events and lunches this year so far. If you have any comments, suggestions or support to share with us please do so via our office - staff really enjoy hearing your comments and suggestions for how we can make our school even better. Our communication is key and our children need us to work together to ensure that they have access to the best educational experiences possible.
Who to contact?
Absence, Illness and appointments: The Office Team
Queries about events, trips and lunches: The Office Team
Learning, behaviours, Special Educational Needs, Friendship issues: Class Teacher
Next level support after speaking to class teacher: Phase Lead (Mrs Porter, Mr Fitzpatrick/Mrs Davis)
Referrals, Social Services, Safeguarding (not about members of staff), Social concerns, Mental Health support: Family Support Advisor (Mrs Bryan)
Support with Educational Health Care Plans, Next level support with Special Educational Needs, referral letters to GPs: SENDco and Assistant SENDco (Mrs Cannon and Mrs Walton)
Any safeguarding concerns regarding and adults in school. Concerns or compliments about members of staff. Support with any aspect of school life - once you have spoken to The Office, Class Teacher, Phase Lead: Headteacher or Interim Headteacher (Miss Holgate and Mrs Keay)
Any safeguarding concerns about the Headteacher: Chair of Governors (Mrs Kirkham)